'Printy!' The Holiday Print making Social


Saturday, November 7th/2025

7-9:30 pm

Join us for a cheery evening of printmaking! In this delightful Social we will carve our own print out of Lino and dabble in making various colours of cards to take home and gift away.

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Saturday, November 7th/2025

7-9:30 pm

Join us for a cheery evening of printmaking! In this delightful Social we will carve our own print out of Lino and dabble in making various colours of cards to take home and gift away.

Saturday, November 7th/2025

7-9:30 pm

Join us for a cheery evening of printmaking! In this delightful Social we will carve our own print out of Lino and dabble in making various colours of cards to take home and gift away.


Luminous Social Events are so lovesome!

Socialize while creating beautiful art. Evenings include all supplies, a glass of organic wine or soda - and a bubbly mix of the loveliest people to ignite your creative ZING.

You will not want to miss this! Perhaps our MOST delightful Social - an evening of creating your own cards with the loveliest printmaking elements. Carve your very own Lino to create a beautiful, unique one of a kind card and print-print-print away a box of cards in glorious colors to take home and gift away!