Printy Kids
Ages 6-12
AM Camps are 9am - 12pm
PM Camps are 1pm - 4pm
FREE Early Drop Off. Please bring a nut-free snack and water.
*Please note lunch program is canceled due to Covid19 restrictions.
Week 3 AM - July 19-23
Week 6 AM - August 9-13
Ages 6-12
AM Camps are 9am - 12pm
PM Camps are 1pm - 4pm
FREE Early Drop Off. Please bring a nut-free snack and water.
*Please note lunch program is canceled due to Covid19 restrictions.
Week 3 AM - July 19-23
Week 6 AM - August 9-13
Ages 6-12
AM Camps are 9am - 12pm
PM Camps are 1pm - 4pm
FREE Early Drop Off. Please bring a nut-free snack and water.
*Please note lunch program is canceled due to Covid19 restrictions.
Week 3 AM - July 19-23
Week 6 AM - August 9-13
This sweet course will delve into surface printmaking on paper and textures for simple and magical techniques. In this class we will...
sketch glorious motifs from nature (sketchbook included!)
translate these pretty motifs into our very own stencils to print on paper and textiles
learn to carve your own designs in Lino and make exquisite prints
delve into relief printing -